So I didn't get to go to many sales this weekend but I did score big at one (out of the three I went to). I went out Thursday to a rummage sale that had advertised an upholstery sewing machine, I dont really have the room for it but wanted to check it out anyway. They were asking $150 for the machine and a bunch of other stuff...They didnt have it outside but had some picuters...I passed it up but went back on friday ten min before they were closing up to see if it was still there and it was! I offered her $60 and got it!!! I didnt realize how much stuff this machine came with until we got it home. I got a good size box of nails/tacks a box of button parts to make fabric covered buttons (theres hundreds of these things!! Milo calls them money hehe), a handy junior button maker with pieces for differnt sizes (not sure how many yet, at least two), ? yards of lime green vinyl, ? yards of...welt cord?, ? yards of pli-grip metal strip...I think thats about it...All for $60 I cant believe it!!!
P.S. Sorry for the messy garage :) the machine also needs a little cleaning
And here are some of the molds I have been working on for resin! Not the best ones I've made (look wise) but Im working on it and getting better :)